OFTEC Consultancy Services
OFTEC Consultancy Services is the name of the independent inspection service managed and delivered by the OFTEC technical team.
Services to you
As a not-for-profit organisation we can offer the impartial inspection, evaluation or training services that you demand. With our long-established links within industry and experienced in-house technical team we can deliver the expertise that you need.
Our services are designed to be completely flexible and can be tailored to suit your particular requirements. To date we have been utilised by the Health and Safety Executive, the Police, Local Authorities, the NHS and numerous domestic and non-domestic oil users.
OFTEC Consultancy Services would be pleased to discuss how we can assist you with:
- Independent evaluation of existing oil-fired heating and cooking installations.
- Continual Professional Development courses.
All inspection and evaluation services are performed through on-site inspection where required, and desk top study. On completion, a comprehensive illustrated report will typically be produced, which provides detailed findings, conclusions and recommendations to enable you to make key decisions regarding your oil installation.
Staff development
OFTEC believes that investing in the continual professional development of staff enables you to offer the best possible service to your customers. To this end, we are pleased to offer tailored training packages for staff involved in inspections, enforcement, oil heating installation and service work. To discuss your requirements call us, details can be found to the right of this page.

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